A while back I needed to disable fields on a web page during submit and I found a utility written by Nancy Michell for MSDN Magazine. The utility covered the basic cases, but I found that I needed to use it for AJAX style calls as well as standard submits. So I modified the code to include an enable function as well. Finally I added exception handling around the disable and enable code to avoid pesky Javascript errors. The only thing I might change is to capture an array of the controls that were successfully disabled and then process only those controls on enable.

To use the disable utility, do the following:

// Method 1: Using the param string[] for controls

// Method 2: Using the ArrayList of controls
aryDisableControls = new ArrayList();
DisableHelper.DisableCtrlOnSubmit(this, aryDisableControls);

Here is the utility source:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;

namespace Utility.Web.UI
    public class DisableHelper
        /// Adds client-side javascript code to disable controls on a submit.
        /// Reference to the current page
        /// String array of client-side control names.
        public static void DisableCtrlOnSubmit(
            System.Web.UI.Page Page,
            params string[] strControls)
            StringBuilder sbJS = new StringBuilder(200);


            if (!Page.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("MSDisableImpl"))

            Page.RegisterOnSubmitStatement("MSDisable", "MSDisable(false);");

        /// Adds client-side javascript code to disable controls on a submit.
        /// Reference to the current page
        /// ArrayList with the client-side control names
        public static void DisableCtrlOnSubmit(
            System.Web.UI.Page Page,
            ArrayList aryClientControlNames)
            if (aryClientControlNames != null)
                string[] strControls = (string[]) aryClientControlNames.ToArray(typeof(string));
                DisableCtrlOnSubmit(Page, strControls);

        private static void DiableCtrlOnSubmit(
            System.Web.UI.Page Page,
            ArrayList aryClientControlNames)
            DisableCtrlOnSubmit(Page, aryClientControlNames);

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